


Amazon Ripper Pro

seovps amazon ripper pro

Amazon ripper is a simple free desktop application that allows you to add Amazon items categories and it will scrape/rip all the products from your selected category.


What information does it scrape/rip?
Amazon ripper can scrape the item URL, item title, item review count and item price.

Why should I use Amazon Ripper?
When searching for new Amazon products to review if you are a member of the Amazon affiliate program you can use Amazon Ripper to scrape all products in a category and sort by review count (indicating purchase quantity) and price giving you a much better idea about what products to promote rather than checking each item in a category individually.

How does Amazon Ripper work?
HTTP requests are simply sent from the desktop application you download (100% free and full, no trial etc) and the HTML is parsed and the items are extracted out for you to browse or export.

Will Amazon ban my IP address?
By default, the application sends requests at a speed that will not cause your IP address to get banned. However, if you want to scrape Amazon products and items even faster Amazon Ripper does support an unlimited number of proxies.


Amazon Link Checker 1.0

seovps.co Amazon link checker-min

Amazon Link Checker is a desktop tool that will crawl your Amazon affiliate website checking all your outbound links to Amazon for out of stock, unavailable, 404, missing affiliate tracking IDs and more. You simply enter your website’s address and click “Start check” and it will check every webpage on your website for Amazon affiliate links with any issues.



  • Using advanced crawling technology you don’t need to tell this tool about every page on your website you simply enter your homepage and it will go page to page searching for outbound links to Amazon. Once it finds one it can check for any of the following issues.
  • – Check product score – You may write an amazon review for a newly launched product that you think is going to be amazing but once people get hold of it they may give it negative reviews. This check will tell you if the average review score is below a certain threshold. With that information you can switch products you are promoting or stop promoting that product with negative reviews.
  • – Out of stock – This simple check will tell you if an Amazon product is out of stock.
  • – Check for affiliate code – This mode will check if your tracking ID (affiliate code) is present in the link to the Amazon product.
  • – Check for 404 – This mode will check for pages you are linking to that no longer exist (or maybe didn’t ever) by checking the server HTTP response code. Examples of server HTTP response codes that will cause issues with your links are 404 (page not found) and 500 (internal server error).
  • – Check for unavailable – This mode will check if the product you are linking to is still available and actually being sold.